Rado Masaryk sa medzi spolupracovníkov festivalu Bažant Pohoda zaradil v roku 2008, kedy robil prvýkrát guida belgickej skupine Zita Swoon, o rok na to sprevádzal islandskú formáciu Lay Low. O tom, že s jeho prácou sme boli viac ako spokojní svedčí fakt, že v roku 2010 bol guidom britskej legendy elektronickej scény a jednej z najväčších hviezd festivalu – Leftfield. Pri organizácii nášho festivalu kladieme dôraz nielen na vysoké profesionálne kvality našich spolupracovníkov, ale aj ich ochotu a ľudský prístup, ktorý je v kontaktoch s umelcami rovnako dôležitý. A Rado patrí k tým, ktorí tieto vlastnosti majú. Prejavuje ich nielen počas samotného festivalu, ale aj počas jeho príprav - vždy, keď sme potrebovali urýchlené preklady na náš web alebo tlmočenie na tlačovej konferencii, zareagoval rýchlo a ochotne. Patrí medzi guidov, s ktorými určite počítame aj do budúcnosti.
Pohoda 2008-2023: Zita Swoon, Lay Low, Leftfield, Moby, Portishead, Polar Bear, New Young Pony Club, Lou Reed, Emiliana Torrini, Smashing Pumpkins, Atoms For Peace, Kraftwerk, Suede, Björk, Sigur Rós, Slowdive, Solange, Kronos Quartet, Liam Gallagher, Altın Gün, The Libertines, Paddan, Bogomil Font
Iné festivaly: Jazzanova, Wyclef Jean, Nick Murphy fka Chet Faker, Chvrches, Years & Years
| Rado Masaryk joined the Bažant Pohoda festival team in 2008 when he was an interpreter and guide for the Belgian band Zita Swoon. A year later he worked with the Icelandic group Lay Low. We were more than satisfied with his work and in 2010 he was a festival guide to UK legend of the electronic scene and one of the greatest stars of the festival – Leftfield. When organizing our festival we are very strict about choosing high-quality professionals to work with us. Nonetheless, we are also keen on helpfulness and a human approach, which are very important when dealing with artists. Rado is one of those people who has those qualities. This has become evident not only during the festival, but also while preparing for the next edition. Whenever we needed quick translation for our website or interpreting at our press conferences, he reacted quickly and helpfully. He is one of the festival guides we are counting on in the future.